Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Guest lecturer, PH in the news.

I too agree that Jim Mcbride's presentation was helpful in diciphering the differences between marketing, PR, and advertising. Knowing the differences between these makes the next phase of our project a lot clearer. I also found his templates handout to be very useful. Just last week I was trying to figure out how to write a news release. I enjoyed the newspaper activity. I new we were going to find a few PH stories, but I had no idea we would find so many, especially when we thought more broadly about PH. What really struck me was Dr.Engelberg's question, is the war related to PH? I never stopped to think about it in that way. But I definitely think it is a PH concern, not only for the soldiers fighting, but their families as well. After analyzing news stories this morning and their relationship to PH, I was amazed to find out that PH touches on so many areas of our lives.

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